The InterLand recruiting agency was established in June 2004, after accession of Poland to the European Union. The Agency conducts its recruitment activities under Licence no. 1417 issued by the Marshal's Office in Gdansk.
We specialize in recruiting employees of various professional groups for long-term and short-term contracts both in Poland and abroad. For many years, we have been cooperating with many significant companies on the Polish and European market in which many job seekers find employment.
If you are looking for a job, you can find up-to-date job offers and sample CVs on our website.
As a training establishment InterLand conducts training courses, lectures and conferences dedicated to improve employees’ professional competence. We run German/English language courses for professional purposes that enable participants to communicate in German/English at their work. We are entered into the Register of Training Establishments under the number license 2.22/00127/2009.
You are welcome to enjoy our services!
Interland is crewing agency also, recruit seafarers and officers to work on foreign ship-owners and qualified cadres of the shipbuilding industry.
The experience we have gained over many years of work in this field means that we are able to meet the expectations of seafarers looking for work, as well as ship owners looking for highly qualified crews for their ships.